◎学习与工作经历 2014.2-2016.2, 香港理工大学香江学者 2005.9-2011.3,湖南大学,土木工程,工学博士 2002.9-2005.7,湖南大学,土木工程,工学硕士 1998.9-2002.7,湖南大学,建筑环境与设备工程,工学学士
◎研究方向 燃气安全输运,建筑节能技术,建筑环境控制 ◎承担科研课题 天然气多场耦合扩散机理及其泄露源逆时间反演研究 国家自然科学基金 应用于热埋管热泵系统中的桩基螺旋埋管换热器的传热传质研究香江学者计划 隐蔽型天然气泄露源逆向追溯研究 中国博士后面上资助项目(一等) 中国石油大学(华东)青年骨干教师工程 ◎荣誉称号 2015年中国高校矿业石油与安全工程领域优秀青年科技人才奖 2014年香江学者奖 2013年湖南省优秀博士论文 2009年湖南省自然科学一等奖 ◎论文 [1] Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Hong-Xing Yang, Jian Chen, Changwen Ye. Probability adjoint identification of airborne pollutant sources depending on one sensor in a ventilated enclosure with conjugate heat and species transports. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 102 (2016) 919-933. [2] Yang Cai, Di Liu*, Fu-Yun Zhao, Jian-Feng Tang. Performance analysis and assessment of thermoelectric micro cooler for electronic devices. Energy Conversion and Management 124 (2016) 203-211. [3] Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Hong-Xing Yang, Guang-Fa Tang. Theoretical and experimental investigations of thermoelectric heating system with multiple ventilation channels. AppliedEnergy 159 (2015) 458-468. SCI IF5.681 [4] Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Hong-Xing Yang, Guang-Fa Tang. Thermoelectric mini cooler coupled with micro thermosiphon for CPU cooling system. Energy 83 (2015) 29-36. SCI IF4.591 [5] Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Han-Qing Wang, Ernst Rank. History source identification of airborne pollutant dispersions in a slot ventilated building enclosure. International journal of Thermal Sciences 64 (2013) 81-92. (SCI IF 2.142) (IDS number: 069WC) [6] Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Han-Qing Wang, Ernst Rank. Turbulent transport of airborne pollutants in a residential room with a novel air conditioning unit. International Journal of Refrigeration 35 (2012) 1455-1472. (SCI IF 1.817)(IDS Number: 982EO) [7] Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Han-Qing Wang, Ernst Rank, Guang-Xiao Kou. Inverse determination of building heating profiles from the knowledge of measurements within the turbulent slot-vented enclosure. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 4597–4612. (SCI IF 2.407)(IDS Number: 971MF) [8] Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Han-Qing Wang. History recovery and source identification of multiple gaseous contaminants releasing with thermal effects in an indoor environment. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 422-435. (SCI IF 2.407) (IDS Number: 853ME) [9] Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Han-Qing Wang. Passive heat and moisture removal from a natural vented enclosure with a massive wall. Energy 36 (2011) 2867-2882. (SCI IF 3.487) (IDS Number: 774UF) [10] Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang. Active low-grade energy recovery potential for building energy conservation. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (2010) 2736-2747. (SCI IF 6.018) (IDS Number: 662ZT) [11] Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang. Non-unique convection in a three-dimensional slot-vented cavity with opposed jets. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (2010) 1044-1056. (SCI IF 2.407) (IDS Number: 553JB) [12] Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang. Modeling and performance investigation of a closed-type thermoelectric clothes dryer. Drying Technology 26 (2008) 1208-1216. (SCI IF 2.084) (IDS Number: 347ML) [13] Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang. Numerical analysis of two contaminants removal from a three-dimensional cavity. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 378-382. (SCI IF 2.407) (IDS Number: 255WL) [14] Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang. Thermosolutal convection in a saturated porous enclosure with concentrated energy and solute sources. Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 16-31. (SCI IF 2.216) (IDS Number: 240YY) [15] Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang. Conjugate heat transfer in an enclosure with a centered conducting body imposed sinusoidal temperature profiles on one side. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A 53 (2) (2008) 204-223. (SCI IF 2.492) (IDS Number: 229DB) [16] Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang. Frosting of heat pump with heat recovery facility. Renewable Energy 32(2007) 1228-1242. (SCI IF 2.978) (IDS Number: 146GN) [17] Di Liu, Guang-Fa Tang, Fu-Yun Zhao, Han-Qing Wang. Modeling and experimental investigation of looped separate heat pipe as waste heat recovery facility. Applied Thermal Engineering 26 (2006) 2433-2441. (SCI IF 2.064) (IDS Number: 076UV) |