发布时间: 2017-07-24  作者:  浏览次数: 1002


»职称:副教授/ 硕士生导师










»个人主页:Researchgate  ORCID




本人主要研究领域是建筑环境与能源应用,包括受限空间热湿传递研究、空气源热泵系统除霜控制与优化、污水源热泵系统传热和流动耦合机制、建筑节能和工业余热利用。目前总计发表50余篇学术论文(SCI收录30篇,EI收录14篇)。其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表12SCI一区论文(Top期刊)和3ESI高被引论文。累计影响因子达130多,被引450余次,h index15。另外,目前担任Applied EnergyEnergyEnergy and Buildings, Building and Environment,   Applied Thermal Engineering等十余个国际著名SCI期刊的审稿人。Google Scholar












12018-2020,直接式污水源热泵回收工业废水余热的关键问题研究,自主创新科研计划,18CX02077A (主持)

22016-2019直接式油田污水源热泵系统的流动传热特性和优化研究,山东省自然科学基金,ZR2016EEQ29 (主持)

32016-2017中国北方地区建筑围护结构中使用相变材料节能的应用研究,科研启动基金,YJ201501018 (主持)

42015-2017相变材料在睡眠环境个体送风系统中的应用研究,校自主创新科研计划,15CX02111A (主持)



1Song M, Mao N, Deng S.   An experimental study on time-based start defrosting control strategy   optimization for an air source heat pump unit with frost evenly distributed   and melted frost locally drained. Energy and Buildings 2018; 178: 26-37. SCI.   IF= 7.9. SCI二区)

2Mao N, Hao J, Cui B, Li Y, Song M, Xu Y, Deng S. Energy performance of   a bedroom task/ambient air conditioning (TAC) system applied in different   climate zones of China. Energy 2018 159: 724-736. SCI. IF= 4.520. SCI一区)

3Song M, Liao L, Niu F, Mao   N*, Liu S, Hu Y. Thermal Stability Experimental Study on Three Types of   Organic Binary Phase Change Materials Applied in Thermal Energy Storage   System. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering   Applications 2018; 10(4): 041018-1. SCI. IF=0.985. SCI四区)

4Mao N, Zhang B, Song M, Deng S. A simplified numerical study on the   energy performance and thermal environment of a bedroom TAC system. Energy   and Buildings 2018; 166: 305-316. SCI. IF=4.067. SCI二区)

5Song M, Dang C, Mao N*,   Deng S. Energy transfer procession in an air source heat pump unit during   defrosting with melted frost locally drainage in its multi-circuit outdoor   coil. Energy and Buildings 2018; 164: 109-120. SCI. IF=4.067. SCI二区)

6Mao N, Song M*, Pan D, Deng S. Comparative studies on using RSM and   TOPSIS methods to optimize residential air conditioning systems. Energy 2018;   144: 98-109. SCI. IF= 4.520. SCI一区)

7Xu Y, Jiang N, Wang Q, Mao   N, Chen G, Gao Z. Refrigerant evaluation and performance comparison for a   novel hybrid solar-assisted ejection-compression refrigeration cycle. Solar   Energy 2018; 160: 344-352. SCI. IF=4.018. SCI二区)

8Xu Y, Jiang N*, Han X, Han W, Mao   N, Chen G. Performance evaluation and energy-saving potential comparison   of a heat-powered novel compression-enhanced ejector refrigeration cycle with   an economizer. Applied Thermal Engineering 2018, 130: 1568-1579. SCI.   IF=3.444. SCI二区)

9Song M, Deng S, Dang C, Mao   N*, Wang Z. Review on improvement for air source heat pump units during   frosting and defrosting. Applied Energy 2018; 211: 1150-1170. SCI. IF= 7.900.   SCI一区)

10Song M, Niu F, Mao N*,   Hu Y, Deng S. Review on building energy performance improvement using phase   change materials. Energy and Buildings 2018; 158: 776-793. SCI. IF=4.067. SCI二区、ESI高被引论文)



11Song M, Xu X, Mao N*,   Deng S, Xu Y. Energy transfer procession in an air source heat pump unit   during defrosting. Applied Energy 2017; 204: 679-689. SCI. IF= 7.182. SCI一区)

12Mao N, Song M, Pan D, Li Z, Deng S. Numerical investigations on the   effects of envelope thermal loads on energy utilization potential and thermal   non-uniformity in sleeping environments. Building and Environment 2017; 124:   232-244. SCI. IF= 4.053. SCI二区)

13Mao N, Pan DM, Song M*, Li Z, Xu Y, Deng S. Operating optimization for   improved energy consumption of a TAC system affected by nighttime thermal   loads of building envelopes. Energy 2017; 133: 491-501. SCI. IF= 4.520. SCI一区)

14Mao N, Pan DM, Li Z, Xu Y, Song M*, Deng S, A numerical study on   influences of building envelope heat gain on operating performances of a   bed-based task/ambient air conditioning (TAC) system in energy saving and   thermal comfort, Applied Energy 2017; 192: 213-221. SCI. IF= 7.182. SCI一区、ESI高被引论文)

15Song M, Gong G, Mao N*,   Deng S, Wang Z, Experimental investigation on an air source heat pump unit   with a three-circuit outdoor coil for its reverse cycle defrosting   termination temperature. Applied Energy 2017, 204: 1388-1398. SCI. IF= 7.182.   SCI一区)

16Mao N, Song MJ*, Deng SM. Computational fluid dynamics analysis of   convective heat transfer coefficients for a sleeping human body in   subtropics. Applied Thermal Engineering 2017; 117: 385-396. SCI. IF=3.356. SCI二区、ESI高被引论文)

17Mao N, Pan DM*, Chan MY, Deng SM, Parameter optimization for operation   of a bed-based task/ambient air conditioning (TAC) system to achieve a   thermally neutral environment with minimum energy use, Indoor and Built   Environment 2017; 26: 132-144. SCI. IF=1.181. SCI三区)

18Mao N, Hao J, Song M, Pan D. Investigations on thermal environment in   residential buildings with PCM embedded in external wall. Energy Procedia.   2017. 142, 1888-1895. EI.

19Liu S, Song M, Bai B, Tian Y, Song M, Mao N. Experimental Study on R245fa Condensation Heat Transfer in   Horizontal Smooth Tube and Enhanced Tube. Energy Procedia 2017; 142:   4169-4175. EI.



20Mao N, Song M*, Deng S, Pan D, Chen SJ. Experimental and numerical   study on air flow and moisture transport in sleeping environments with a   task/ambient air conditioning (TAC) system. Energy and Buildings 2016; 133:   596-604. SCI. IF=4.067. SCI二区)

21Mao N, Song MJ*, Deng SM. Application of TOPSIS method in evaluating   the effects of supply vane angle of a task/ambient air conditioning system on   energy utilization and thermal comfort. Applied Energy, 2016, 180: 536-545.   SCI. IF=5.613. SCI一区)

22Mao N, Song MJ, Chan MY, Pan DM*, Deng SM, Computational fluid dynamics   (CFD) modelling of air flow field, mean age of air and CO2 distributions   inside a bedroom with different heights of conditioned air supply outlet.   Applied Energy 2016; 164: 906-915. SCI. IF= 5.613. SCI一区)

23Song MJ, Mao N*, Deng   SM, Chen Y, Wang C, Yang QC. Experimental investigations on destroying   surface tension of melted frost for defrosting performance improvement of a   multi-circuit outdoor coil. Applied Thermal Engineering 2016; 103: 1278-1288.   SCI. IF=3.356. SCI二区)

24Song MJ, Xia L, Mao N*,   Deng SM,. An experimental study on even frosting performance of an air source   heat pump unit with a multi-circuit outdoor coil. Applied Energy 2016; 164:   36-44. SCI. IF= 5.613. SCI一区)

25Song MJ, Deng SM, Mao N*,   Ye XM. An experimental study on defrosting performance for an air source heat   pump unit with a horizontally installed multi-circuit outdoor coil. Applied   Energy, 2016; 165: 371-382. SCI. IF= 5.613. SCI一区)

26Song MJ, Chen A, Mao N*.   An experimental study on defrosting performance of an air source heat pump   unit with a multi-circuit outdoor coil at different frosting evenness values.   Applied Thermal Engineering 2016; 94: 331-340. SCI. IF=3.444. SCI二区)

27Song MJ, Mao N*, Deng   SM, Xia YD, Chen Y. An experimental study on defrosting performance for an   air source heat pump unit at different frosting evenness values with melted   frost local drainage. Applied Thermal Engineering 2016; 99: 730-740. SCI.   IF=3.444. SCI二区)



(1) Mao N,   Cui B, Song M. Comparative analysis of energy consumption of a bedroom TAC   system applied in different climate zones of China. 2018 International   Conference on Applied Energy. Hong Kong, Aug 22-25. 2018.

(2) Cui B, Dong J, Munk, J, Mao N; Kuruganti T. A simplified regression building thermal   model of detached two-floor house in U.S. for virtual energy storage control.   17th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue.   July 8- July 12, 2018. West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.

(3) Mao N,   Hao J, Song M. Energy saving potential for a TAC system under varying night   envelope thermal load. Applied Energy Symposium and Forum 2018: Low carbon   cities and urban energy systems, CUE2018, 5-7 June 2018, Shanghai, China.

(4) Mao N,   Liu X, Jia R, Hao J, Song M*, Pan D. Application of PCM in building envelope   to modify indoor thermal environment, The 9th International Conference on   Applied Energy, Cardiff, UK, 21-24 August 2017.

(5) Mao N,   Hao J, Song M*, Pan D. Operation optimization of task/ambient air   conditioning systems in subtropics, The 9th International Conference on   Applied Energy, Cardiff, UK, 21-24 August 2017.

(6) Mao N.,   Song M.J., A numerical study on the effects of envelope thermal loads on   energy use and thermal environment in bedrooms with a task/ambient air conditioning   (TAC) system, The8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016,   Beijing, China. 8-11 Oct, 2016.

(7) Mao N.,   Optimization Study on Thermal Environmental Control, Indoor Air Quality and   Energy Efficiency Using Task/ambient Air Conditioning (TAC) Systems in   Sleeping Environments, The 5th international conference on sustainable   tropical environmental design 2015, P0047, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2 Dec-3   Dec, 2015.

(8) Mao N.,   Pan D.M., Chan M.Y., Deng S.M., Song M.J., Numerical study on the effects of   the height of supply air outlet on air flow, CO2 transport and thermal   comfort in a bedroom, The 6th International Conference on Applied Energy –   ICAE2014, Taipei. May 30- June 2, 2014.

(9) Mao N.,   Pan D.M., Chan M.Y. and Deng S.M., Performance evaluation of bed-based   task/ambient air conditioning (TAC) systems, International conference on   Applied Energy 2013, Pretoria, South Africa. July 1-4, 2013.

(10) Mao N.   and ZHANG D.Y. Numerical Study on a Boundary Source Method for Simulating the   Effect of Shroud Cavity Flow in an Axial Turbine, ASIAN CONGRESS ON GAS   TURBINES 2012 (ACGT 2012), Shanghai, Aug. 20-22, 2012

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